We want you to be fully satisfied with the products purchased from our site!
However, if you did not receive the ordered products, they are due to our fault or that of the courier who provided the transport, or you simply do not want them anymore, you can return the paintings and we will change the product with the same in good condition, with another product chosen by or we will refund their value.
The legislation in force provides this fact, you can return within 14 days of receiving the product.
You can return the products, in the original packaging and / or wrapped in bubble wrap + cardboard, each piece individually; or in any packaging you want. Please note that in case of insufficient packaging, the products may be damaged.
The return of the products will be made at the customer's expense, using any transport service he wishes; that is, the payment for the return transport is your responsibility.
MOGA ANDREI PICTOR PFA will change the product or return the value of the order, at your choice, within 14 days from the return of the product.
The refund amount and the return conditions do not include the return transport costs.
If the returned product is damaged and no longer corresponds to the original product received, the refunded value will be reduced by the damaged value.
Customer Support Thursday- Friday 18-21 pm; Saturday-Sunday 14-17 pm;
0766900040 0751035762 contact@artmagazin.ro